Climb Kilimanjaro for SHALVA
Climb 4 SHALVA

Yehuda and Shiri Shoshan

Yehuda and Shiri Shoshan

My Fundraising Goal: 70,000 ILS
Total Raised To Date: 70,000 ILS
Exceeded my goal by: 0 ILS

In January, I will be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro on behalf of Shalva's children and families.

This mountain is the largest free-standing mountain in the world and one of the most challenging, so why on earth am I doing it?

The reason is Shalva.

Shalva provides transformative care to 2,000 individuals with disabilities and support to their family members, in the warmest and most loving environment. From infancy through adulthood, this incredible organization provides leading-edge therapies, inclusive educational frameworks, social and recreational activities, employment training, independent living, respite programs regardless of religion, ethnic background or financial capability!

Simply put, I am climbing the ultimate, once-in-a-lifetime mountain to benefit Shalva, so that their families are able to conquer their personal mountains on a daily basis.

I am doing my part to support this amazing organization with my climb, and I need your help.

I'll take care of the training, the achy feet, 8 days in a tent and the summit if you'll help me by donating to this worthy cause. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law, and anything you can give would help me reach my goal.
Together we'll be supporting this truly special place and changing the lives of thousands of children.

If your company has a matching gift program, please let me know so I can connect you with Shalva.

Thank you in advance for your help and generosity.

All Sponsors:
anonymous12700 ILS
ויטמין קפה בע"מ5000 ILS
איתמר יששכר פימו5000 ILS
אנונימי אנונימי5000 ILS
anonymous20000 ILS
בולי יוניטי בע"מ10000 ILS
שלמה חיים1800 ILS
מוסך אבי זליג בעמ3000 ILS
Ben Harris1000 ILSטיפוס מוצלח עשיתי מרגיש שהשמיים ממש לא הגבול כשאתה עובר את העננים
לינוי בניה ותשתיות בע"מ3000 ILS
יהודה שושן2000 ILSבהצלחה
מוסך אבי זליג בע"מ1500 ILS