Climb Kilimanjaro for SHALVA
Climb 4 SHALVA

Barry Pakes

Barry Pakes

My Fundraising Goal: 15,000 CAD
Total Raised To Date: 15,738 CAD
Exceeded my goal by: 738 CAD

If you made it to this webpage, you know that I’ll be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to support Shalva – the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.

Thank you for considering making a donation. Canadians need to raise $18,000 – and I’m the only Canadian - so anything will help. Shalva is a very worthwhile charity, as you can read below or go to their website ( But if you’re short on time and have the means to make a tax deductible donation please do so. Multiples of $18 ($180 preferred) work very well with my goal!

While I’ve never had a bucket list, Osama Bin Laden made me miss Climbing Kilimanjaro in 1998 so I’ve wanted to do this for some time (also read below).

About Shalva
Shalva is an outstanding organization that provides transformative care to thousands of individuals with disabilities, and support to their family members. Shalva provides leading-edge therapies, inclusive educational frameworks, social and recreational activities, employment training, independent living, respite programs regardless of religion, ethnic background or financial ability. Your donation will help Shalva continue its incredible work.

Why Kilimanjaro
In the summer of 1998 I was in the south of Ethiopia working as a medical student. My travels took me to Kenya, and I was in Nairobi on Friday August 7th - the day Osama Bin Laden bombed the US Embassy there and in Dar Es Salam. That shabbat was a transformative experience with the Israeli Urban Search and Rescue team and the Jewish community of Nairobi…inspiring me to learn more about disaster management, and a then a 20+ year career in Public Health and Preventive Medicine, and then COVID and all that.
But, that summer, I missed the opportunity to Climb Kilimanjaro. Some time later, while travelling thru Masai Mara, I happened upon a 75 year old man who was planning on climbing Kilimanjaro. So I took it all in stride and figured I’d have lots of time to come back some day and climb Kili with my father. Dr. Pakes senior (the male one) can still make it up Har Herzl, but not quite 10 days and 5,985m of Kilimanjaro, so I’ll need to climb without my dad, but with Shalva.

Thank you for your support!

All Sponsors:
Shechar Dworski180 CADGood luck!
Calli Citron54 CADWishing you a great and safe trek ! Way to go !
Nora Zwingerman72 CAD
נטלי גאר500 ILSבהצלחה! תחזור בשלום!
Aaron Katchen180 CADHatzlacha rabbah!
Annette Perlmutter54 CADGood luck and be safe!!
Danny Pivnick281 CADGood luck Barry!
Ann David54 CADChazak! Chazak!! With you in spirit!!
Natalie Gar180 CADDitto to Brenda's message-Don't die! Behatzlacha!
Jonathan and Tania Samson500 CADEven when it feels hard remember the view from the Summit will be worth it
Jon and Ellise Gasner180 CADHave the best time! Awesome!
Ruth & Jeff Waldman72 CADGo Barry go!!!
Dikla and Michael Weitzner118 CADGood luck
David and Dana54 CADAlways reaching new heights!
Shayna Miller50 CADPlease come back with all your toes!
Rebecca Davids72 CADSafe travels!
Barbara Schnier100 CADMake sure you hold on tight...
Cécile Bensimon180 CADB’hatzlacha! Altitude sickness is real.
Manisa Jiaravuthisan118 CADWay to go Barry! Hope everything goes smoothly.
Mark and Naomi Satok118 CADBest of Luck! Yasher Koach!
Bernie Moskoff200 CADMt Kili is not dead, just dormant Barry! If you hear rumbling...
Gil Gross240 ILSYishar koach Barry!
Liann Granovsky180 CAD
anonymous180 CAD
Esther and Bentzi Shor100 CADKol Hakavod and good luck! Enjoy the climb and the experience!
Kevin Beigel180 CADI think I may have left something at top. Maybe you can bring it back for me? A truly life changing experience! Enjoy every second of it and remember …. Pole Pole!
anonymous100 CAD
Danny Pivnick180 CADGood luck Barry!
Nadine Papernick118 CADGo Barry Go! B'Hatzlacha from your old locker neighbour at CHAT!
Ilan Barda and Atarah Grysman180 CADWay to go, Barry!
Mark Ross9000 CADReach for the stars!
Katchen Family180 CAD
anonymous1000 CADGood luck! Hope it goes well.
David Emerson180 CADGood luck Barry!
Josh & Ilana Phillipson100 ILSWhat Brenda said :)
Dovid Zlochower180 CAD
Karen Rosenstein180 CADWay to go, Barry!
Deron Brown118 CADמזל טוב!
Steve Frenkiel180 CADGood luck!
anonymous180 CADPlease come back safe so this can be a happy chapter of the book!
Brenda Weitzner180 CADPlease dont die! We love you!