Climb Kilimanjaro for SHALVA
Climb 4 SHALVA

Debbie & Elisheva Tannenbaum

Debbie & Elisheva Tannenbaum

My Fundraising Goal: 60,000 ILS
Total Raised To Date: 79,397 ILS
Exceeded my goal by: 19,397 ILS

In February, Elisheva, my 20 year old granddaughter, and I will be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro on behalf of Shalva's children and families.

We鈥檝e decided to dedicate the climb in memory of my father, Leo Schachter and my sister Mindy Greenberg. They both were an important influence in our lives and are sorely missed by many people.

This mountain is the largest free-standing mountain in the world and one of the most challenging, so why on earth am I doing it?

The reason is Shalva.

Shalva provides transformative care to 2,000 individuals with disabilities and support to their family members, in the warmest and most loving environment. From infancy through adulthood, this incredible organization provides leading-edge therapies, inclusive educational frameworks, social and recreational activities, employment training, independent living, respite programs regardless of religion, ethnic background or financial capability!

Simply put, I am climbing the ultimate, once-in-a-lifetime mountain to benefit Shalva, so that their families are able to conquer their personal mountains on a daily basis.

I am doing my part to support this amazing organization with my climb, and I need your help.

I'll take care of the training, the achy feet, 8 days in a tent and the summit if you'll help me by donating to this worthy cause. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law, and anything you can give would help me reach my goal.
Together we'll be supporting this truly special place and changing the lives of thousands of children.

If your company has a matching gift program, please let me know so I can connect you with Shalva.

Thank you in advance for your help and generosity.

All Sponsors:
Spatz FGIA Inc180 USDSo proud of you. Congratulations. All our love, Debby and Jeff
Amira Bronner1500 ILSYou鈥檙e an inspiration to us all! Amazing!! Enjoy every moment.
anonymous5000 USDGoing to climb 馃 that mountain 鉀帮笍 on top of that hill - I don鈥檛 know how I鈥檓 going to do it but I鈥檓 sure going to try - will you be using bread plates when you dine mountain side ? You know who鈥檚 asking ? Your Sackett Lake Friends and Larry-
Linda and Eddie Zizmor500 USDGo Debbie and Elisheva! What a beautiful way to remember two special loved ones. Kol Hokavod. 鉂わ笍
Karen and Alain Ickovics1800 ILSKol HaKavod, Debbie!! May you continue to climb higher and higher and inspire all of us around you!
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Berman1000 USD
Chana and Ari Wolff1000 ILSGood luck!
Stephen and Susan Fine360 USDDeb you never cease to amaze and inspire us Good luck to you and beautiful Elisheva Go girls go! Susan and Steve
Ann & Tobi Schapiro 250 USDGood luck & Kol Hacavod !!!
Shelley & Stuie Schapiro 1000 ILSGO DEBBIE!!
anonymous50 gbpTo 2 most amazing people
anonymous5000 ILS讻诇 讛讻讘讜讚 讗诇讬砖讘注 讜住讘转讗 讚讘讬 讙讗讜转 讘讻诐 转诪砖讬讻讜 诇讻讘讜砖 驻住讙讛 讗讞专 驻住讙讛
Jackie and Mark Horowitz1000 USDWhat an amazing feat for a great cause. You are an inspiration to us ! We look forward to hearing about your journey. Best of luck and lots of love, Jackie and Mark
Florence Wiener360 ILSSo very proud of you, Kol Hakavod, much love Florence and David
Shira Berliner1000 ILSAlways setting the bar high - 19,340 feet high!! Kol hakavod! 鉂わ笍 Shira & Steve
anonymous250 USDKol Hakavod to you and Elisheva! Your father and sister are two very special people to remember. Enjoy the climb for a wonderful cause.
anonymous500 ILSDebbie you are an inspiration! And you have the best climbing buddy !
Karen Fragin250 USDDeb- You Got This!! 鉂わ笍 Sending Hugs. .
Sharon and Shamai Grossman100 USDMay you go from strength to strength and climb higher and higher!
Ruth Leibowitz 1000 ILSKol hakavod Debbie. We are proud of you.
Charles Sprung 1000 ILSDebbie, you are an inspiration to us all. Proud to support such a worthy cause and remember two special people.
Tamar and David Feder and Greenberg1018 USDDress warm, Deb. Love
Judy Braun360 USDDeb- you never cease to amaze! enjoy the climb! Kol hakavod to you and Elisheva!
Renee and Eli Rubinstein1000 CADKol Hakavod, Debbie, for undertaking this admirable endeavor on behalf of a most worthy cause..
Sherri and Rami Goldsmith180 ILSGood for you Deb!
Irene and Marty Kofman1000 ILSKol Hakovod
HELENA IGRA180 USDMay you go from strength to strength! You continue to set an example to all around you.
Leslie and Elana Mendelsohn360 USDWe are happy to participate in memory of two very special people and in honor of this very special organization, Shalva! Good luck, Debbie. Happy Climbing!
Lisa and Jonathan Kolodny1200 ILSSo jumping out of a plane just wasn鈥檛 enough! This certainly tops it and for such a good cause. Hope you keep reaching those heights and best of luck on this challenge.
RUTH AND DAVID EDEL1000 ILS Kolhakavod Debbie! This is awesome! Love Ruth and David
anonymous650 CAD
Susan Kates360 ILSWhy am I not surprised?!?!? Yasher Koach girl!!!
Jonathan Mindy Avrahamoff1000 ILSBravo Debbie You are an inspiration
anonymous800 ILSVery proud of you!
anonymous10000 ILSHappy climbing
anonymous1000 ILSGood luck/don't fall!
anonymous180 ILSKol HaKavod Amazing
Debbie Rosenberg250 USDKol Hakavod- it is amazing that you are doing this - Cant wait to hear about how you made it to the top
Lori Deutsch180 USDDeb, We are so proud of you!! The climb of a lifetime in the memory of two very special people. A tent will never look so good at the end of the day as it will look on this hike!! So so proud of you! Lots of love, Lori and Peter
Lisa Gladstone 1000 ILSYou are an amazing person, and have always inspired our family We love you.
Judy Lev500 ILSKol hakavod Debbie, you never seek to amaze! Have a wonderful meaningful climb.